Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff & Other Things I’m Still Learning

On overcoming imposter syndrome

Lea O
3 min readMay 17, 2023

Photo by Andy Calhoun on Unsplash

Last weekend I finally watched Elvis. Even though I am a millennial, his music had a huge impact on my life.

I’m rarely sad that I moved away from my hometown, but the movie made me homesick because of my grandparents. It was the soundtrack of Saturday mornings — hymn, hymn, Elvis, hymn, hymn, Elvis.

Oh yeah, and my grandfather’s initials — which he proudly states — are E.P.

For most of this week, I missed the sounds of a whippoorwill to the backdrop of the sun setting over the hills. I romanticized what life would be like if I had stayed there. I thought about how convenient the familiarity would be and how much less alone I would feel if I hadn’t spent the last decade moving every two years, like the military demands.

Soon, I was stuck in a loop of feeling like a phony. I’m just a small-town girl who probably should’ve stayed home, out here claiming to be some kind of writer.

The Five Types of Imposter Syndrome

As if my journey into phony land from watching a movie wasn’t enough, last week I sent an email with a typo.

