14 Key Lessons I’ve Learned Since I Started Writing

That has nothing to do with money

Lea O
6 min readJun 6, 2023
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

When I launched my first blog, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know anything about sourcing images, SEO, digital marketing, or email lists. I didn’t know about Wix, WordPress, or Bluehost.

I did know was my heart was broken after a rare pregnancy complication that cost the life of my son and almost me. I knew if one more person told me it happened for a divine reason, I would explode.

I was desperate for connection and validation, and I knew there had to be somebody out there who felt like that, too. So, I dusted off my lifelong dream of writing and launched a blog.

That was almost five years ago, and since then, I’ve made a good chunk of money writing online. I joined this platform in 2020, grew a decent following, and then launched a Substack.

My blog, born from grief, turned into a full-time writing career and grad school. And yet, along the way, I lost sight of what I was doing and why. Lured by the self-help articles and marketing strategies for making more money, I quit writing on this platform as much.

I burnt-out. After a months-long break, here’s what I remembered in 14 lessons. (I promise they aren’t about making money doing this.)

